



2013年7月16日,威尼斯人在线官网通过了. 397-13, which revised the charge of the 策略策划委员会 to the following:

a. 与警长密切合作, the committee provides initial recommendations regarding the strategic direction and priorities of 威尼斯官网在线 (long-range visioning). The committee will be responsible for undertaking a forward-looking analysis for the direction of the system, i.e., complete active and ongoing review of 威尼斯官网在线' environment for opportunities and challenges so that the committee can identify emergent strategic issues that are not currently addressed and recommend these to the full Board.

b. Review objectives and goals to measure progress toward achieving the goals outlined in the strategic plan (performance monitoring). While it would remain the responsibility of the full Board to review student outcomes on the indicators included in the strategic plan, the committee would undertake greater in-depth study at the full board's direction in drilling down areas identified for further study. (It was suggested that a monitoring calendar be developed for interim reports to the full Board with in-depth indicators.)

c. 制定立法策略并向董事会提出建议.

d. 策略性沟通及外展. 

9月8日, 1994, the 威尼斯人在线官网 established a Subcommittee on Long-Range Planning.  9月12日, 1995, the 威尼斯人在线官网 changed the name to the Subcommittee on Long-Range and Strategic Planning.  11月9日, 2004, the Board changed the name to the 策略策划委员会 during final action of Policy AEB – 长远规划.  

The 策略策划委员会 is comprised of three members of the Board, 每年十二月委任. It develops effective approaches to long-range planning for the school system's instructional and support functions. 根据它的使命宣言, it "shall be an advocate for and play a leadership role in long-range planning and shall promote a long-term commitment to keeping all school system stakeholders involved and informed." 

它是根据威尼斯人在线官网第. 838-94 

第一号决议全文. 838-94 

根据校长的建议和李先生的动议. 尤因得到了希拉里的支持. 古铁雷斯先生,以下决议获得一致通过:

而, 9月8日, 1994, the 威尼斯人在线官网 established the Subcommittee on Long-range Planning and formed a temporary subcommittee to develop a draft statement of the charter and 任务 of the Subcommittee; and 而, 11月21日, 1994, 临时小组委员会提交了一份组成说明草案, 任务, and charge as an item of in格式ion and requested that this be scheduled for future Board action; now therefore be it

解决, 下面这个组合的表述, 任务, 及长远规划小组委员会的职责; 


The Subcommittee on Long-range Planning shall be comprised of three members of the Board, 每年十二月委任. 一名委员任期一年, 一个任期两年, 还有一个任期三年, 由董事会多数票通过.   

董事会应每年任命小组委员会主席. The chairperson shaII have the responsibility for establishing meeting dates as appropriate, and for developing agendas for meetings after consultation with other members of the committee.The Subcommittee shall report to the 威尼斯人在线官网 at least twice a year on its pro proposed recommendations.The superintendent or his designee shall attend all meetings of the Subcommittee.The Subcommittee's meetings shall be open to the public and conducted in accord with the laws and regulations governing public meetings. 


The Subcommittee on Long-range Planning shall have as its 任务 the development of effective approaches to long-range planning for the school system's instructional and support functions. It shall be an advocate for and play a leadership role in long-range planning and shall promote a long-term commitment to keeping all school system stakeholders involved and informed.    

  • To provide a forum for considering the direction of the school system as a whole institution and for developing system 
  • To review and evaluate approaches to long-range planning and related 管理 improvement and organization development practices in both public and private sector organizations. To recommend ways to implement appropriate planning and 管理 innovations, 包括建立领导力的必要步骤, 管理, 以及员工的承诺和技能.
  • To make recommendations to the Board concerning strategic planning and the development and updating of a strategic plan for 威尼斯官网在线 including recommendations as to definitions, 过程, 格式, 内容, 和时间.
  • To review 威尼斯官网在线 policies, existing and proposed, to assess their impact on strategic planning efforts.
  • To solicit ideas and suggestions for long-range planning initiatives from sources external to Montgomery County as well as sources within the county, 包括公众, 商业和社区团体和组织, 父母, 和平, 员工组织, 工作人员, 以及民选官员.
  • 回顾和分析, 在校长和学校工作人员的帮助下, reports and recommendations for long-range planning initiatives from sources both external to and within the county.
  • To review proposed policies and actions recommended by the superintendent or proposed changes to existing policies, 进一步长远规划.
  • To recommend a 过程 by which the Board can provide ongoing leadership and advocacy for long-range planning, including methods for involving all those with a stake in the future of the school system.
  • 建议一种通知和教育公众的程序, 民选官员, 以及威尼斯官网在线员工的长期规划, 包括战略规划, 它的目标是.